Teen Strength, Agility, and Performance Training

(4 Week Series- Ages 13-18) (Price $100)

Our Teen Strength, Agility, and Performance Training Series is designed to empower teenagers to enhance their physical fitness, agility, and overall performance in various activities and sports. This comprehensive series integrates strength training, agility drills, and performance enhancement techniques tailored specifically for the adolescent body and developmental stage. Led by Catherine Betts (Owner) & Former D1 & Semi-Pro Soccer player, the program focuses on building strength, improving speed, agility, coordination, balance, and injury prevention strategies. She will be sharing the most impactful “life learnings” from being a competitive athlete and trainer/coach, imparting her wisdom on nutrition, proper warm-up strategies & recovery. She will be equipping the athletes with proven approaches to prevent injuries, learned firsthand from her time in sports, trainings, certifications & from her education in neuroscience. 

The aim of the program is to provide the athletes with numerous key takeaways that they can apply throughout their entire athletic journey. 

Key Components:

1. Strength Training: Participants will engage in age-appropriate strength training exercises to develop muscular strength, endurance, and power. Emphasis will be placed on proper form, technique, and progression to ensure safe and effective workouts.

2. Agility Drills: The series includes a variety of agility drills and exercises to improve quickness, reaction time, change of direction, and coordination. These drills are designed to mimic movements commonly seen in sports and everyday activities.

3. Performance Enhancement Techniques: Participants will learn techniques to optimize their athletic performance, including dynamic warm-ups, cool-downs, stretching, and recovery strategies. Mental skills training may also be incorporated to enhance focus, confidence, and resilience.

4. Injury Prevention: The program will emphasize the importance of injury prevention through proper warm-up, cool-down, mobility work, and strength training. Participants will learn how to identify and address common injuries and imbalances to reduce the risk of injury during training and competition.

5. Individualized Programming: The training series will be tailored to accommodate the varying fitness levels, goals, and abilities of participants. Fitness assessments may be conducted to track progress and adjust programming accordingly.

6. Fun and Supportive Environment: The training series will foster a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where participants can challenge themselves, learn new skills, and interact with peers in a fun and motivating environment.

Teenagers aged 13-18 who are interested in improving their physical fitness, athletic performance, and overall health. Athletes from various sports backgrounds, as well as individuals looking to enhance their general fitness and well-being, are welcome to participate.


The series may span over 4 weeks with sessions held regularly to allow for progressive training and skill development.


By the end of the Teen Strength, Agility, and Performance Training Series, participants can expect to see improvements in their strength, speed, agility, coordination, and overall athletic performance. Additionally, they will gain valuable knowledge and skills related to fitness, injury prevention, and healthy lifestyle habits that can benefit them both on and off the field.